Daily Collection Loan

Daily collection loan is simplest money lending technique as the loan amount will repay on daily installment basis. This is very useful to small business firms, as they can avail fund according to their need and the flexibility to repay the amount with out much harming their financial operations. Daily collection loan is generally operated for a small duration, example for period of 100 days, and total interest payable for the loan period will collect at the time loan payment itself as initial payment.

Multiple DL schemes loan payment

Various interest percentages for PL

Penal amount chargeable on daily basis

Provision extend collection day on holidays

Automatic calculation of daily collection amount

Customizable loan period and interest rate

Photo capturing facility and digitalize documents

Collection of various overheads

Provision for guarantors

Executive wise collection and commission payment

Calculate liability and assets with the company of customers and guarantors

Integration of palmtop collection machine

SMS alert on due amount and daily collection amount