Integra AIMS (Accounts & Inventory Management Software)

Integra AIMS is a proven quality accounting and inventory management software package used by several organizations. It is a single/multi-user integrated financial accounting and inventory management software package with features such as multiple companies,multiple financial years, etc. It provides for over One hundred and twenty five different kinds of reports, statements and lists grouped under Accounting reports, Inventory reports, Vat reports, Management information reports and Lists. Security provisions include System Administrator User code and Password, Allocation of user codes and passwords, Access controls for data entry, file processing, Report generation etc., Data Freezing and De-freezing, File Backup, Restore Backup, etc.

This software is widely accepted in trading and distribution business because of having special features to incorporate specific segment like Paints and hardware, foot wear, grocery, tiles & sanitary, electrical & electronics, Steel and cements, bakery, building materials, textiles, computer and IT dealers, super markets etc.

Inventory management
Separate reports have been provided for sales/ sale returns, purchases/ purchase returns, stocks and stock levels. Provision has also been made for valuing stocks at landing cost, purchase price, or stock average price. Adjustments to stock quantities resulting from physical verification could be effected without difficulty. Facilities are available to monitor Inventory items on the basis of maximum, minimum and reorder levels. A separate report is provided for items with zero or negative balances of quantity or value. Bar coding, serial numbering and provision for part number are available.

Accounts management
Day book, cash/ bank book, voucher, journal, debit note/credit note registers, ledger accounts, trial balance, profit and loss account, balance sheet and schedules are the important accounting reports. Customized invoices, customer-wise rate setup, user defined additions, deductions and discounts, multiple units, multiple selling rates, provision for estimates, agent commission etc., are other features.

MIS reports
Several management information reports such as age-wise analysis of debtors and creditors, monthly summaries of sales, purchases, income, expenses, profits etc. are also included. Account statement, commission statement, detection of altered/deleted vouchers etc., are other attractions.

VAT reports
To comply with VAT requirements, separate reports have been provided for sales, sale returns, purchases and purchase returns. In addition, a summary report on VAT computation and cess on VAT is also available. E-Filing is made easy through generation of the required files.

Lists include account groups, item groups, items, debtors, creditors etc. For mailing purposes, addresses could be generated in label format also.