Integra HMS (Hospital Management Software)

Integra Hospital Management software is designed for all type of hospitals, to cover all functional activities of hospital administration and management processes. It is a totally integrated Hospital Management Software that provides relevant information across the hospital to support effective decision making for patient care, hospital administration and integrated financial accounting, in a seamless flow.

  • Totally Integrated software with all modules of hospital administration
  • Optimum utilization of technology to enhance administrative and management control
  • Speedup information flow, for better patient care
  • Increased profitability by reducing recurring as well as operational costs
  • Better staff management and man power utilization
  • Real time control over various departments
  • Online voucher (receipt & payment)
  • Provision to chat between two users of the net work
  • Provision to send circulars among network
  • User wise Scheduler
  • Wide MIS reports
  • Provision to send birthday and anniversary greetings to customers and staff
  • Bulk SMS and e-mail facility


  • Configuration module
  • Help Desk
  • Out Patient Department
  • Indoor Patient Department
  • Billing
  • Laboratory
  • X-Ray
  • Radiology
  • Pharmacy
  • General Stores
  • Pay Roll
  • Financial Accounting
  • EMR
  • MIS
  • Setup

  • This module incorporates relevant setup functions that require hospital and primary operation like service department, doctor, ward, rate category, tariff, revenue division and billing time etc.
  • Shift opening and closing.
  • User creation and authorization of work area for software administration.
  • Rate category and OP card validity.
  • Pharmacy and collection counters.
  • Help Desk

  • Enquiry relating to status of any patient/doctor can be queried in this module
  • Patient enquiry
  • Room availability
  • Tariff enquiry
  • Reservation
  • Out Patient Department

  • When a patient comes to the reception, a new registration number is automatically allotted to him. His personal details like Name, Age, Sex, Address etc. and the services desired are entered into the software.
  • Unique ID for patients and bar code generation
  • Easy scanning of bar code for better and fast operations
  • Easy searching from existing patient master
  • Shows last visit details when entering OP
  • Provision to print OP card, Patient record, token etc.
  • Doctor wise consultation fee
  • Provision for direct and counter wise collection
  • Periodically OP reports
  • Department wise & doctor wise statements
  • Collection counter wise statements
  • All reports can take time wise
  • Provision for consultant note entry
  • Patient History
  • Records consultants' duty allotment and leave
  • Indoor Patient Department

  • When a patient comes to the reception for admission, A Separate new registration number is automatically allotted to him. His personal details along with the details of Admission, Room, Consultant, Surgeon etc. and the Advance Payment made are entered into the software. After the discharge of patient, discharge summary will be automatically generated.
  • Categorized room setup
  • Various rate categories
  • Rooms articles registers and allotment to room
  • Provision for payment through another account (insurance co. etc.)
  • Online display of room availability
  • Room shifting
  • Provision for advance receipt
  • Service setup and timely entry
  • Automatic room rent calculation
  • Surgery scheduling and requirement register
  • Case sheet entry
  • Various types admission and IP registers
  • Doctors visit details
  • Doctor transfer details
  • Details of Birth & Death
  • Department wise & doctor wise statements
  • Patients Medical Record Data management
  • Billing

  • All collections relating patient are done through this counters whether it is Part or Full / Refunds/Credit Notes etc.
  • Settlement type can be done through cash/credit card/ cheque etc.
  • Revenue division wise billing
  • On-line billing of all IP patients with details of Patient Information
  • Services provided on daily basis like Operation, Delivery, Oxygen & Other Gases, Consultation, Nursing Charges, Laboratory tests, X-ray, Ultrasound, Medicines, Procedures etc.
  • Provision to setup various collection counters
  • Provision for discount
  • Detailed and categorized bill register
  • Counter wise & direct collection
  • Laboratory

  • There is a provision to block reports of un-collected bills
  • Lab can feed the result later and prints reports
  • Group wise investigation and normal value setup
  • Various types rate categories
  • Inventory management for re-agent
  • Investigation wise re-agent setup & automatic stock calculation
  • Lab registration and bill printing, Result printing
  • Provision for repeat tests
  • Counter wise & direct cash collection method
  • X-Ray

  • X-ray films inventory can be maintained
  • Various types rate categories
  • Inventory management
  • Counter wise & direct cash
  • Radiology

  • All radiology billing will be done here.
  • There is a provision to block reports of un-collected bills
  • Various types rate categories
  • Counter wise & direct cash collection method
  • Pharmacy

  • Multiple pharmacy setup (floor wise or ward wise)
  • Separate stock maintenance and stock valuation are possible
  • Centralized stock purchase and issue
  • Fast billing
  • Direct & counter wise cash collection
  • Provision for ward issue
  • Batch No. wise stock keeping
  • Automatic & manual batch No selection method while billing
  • Provision for item wise and bill wise discount
  • Various rate categories setup
  • Separate stock keeping for medical & non-medical items
  • Online purchase order entry while billing
  • Automatic purchase order creation when stock is less than re-order level
  • Sales return against various bills
  • Instant stock display and reports
  • Stock valuation report in cost price, MRP, selling rate etc.
  • Pharmacy wise and consolidated reports for sales, stock, issue, etc.
  • Expiry statement with vendor's name & bill No.
  • Can integrate with IP billing
  • purchase order entry while billing, Automatic purchase order creation when stock is less than re-order level, Sales return against various bills, Instant stock display and reports, Stock valuation report in cost price, MRP, selling rate etc., Pharmacy wise and consolidated reports for sales, stock, issue, etc., Expiry statement with vendor’s name & bill no., Can integrate with IP billing
  • General Stores

  • Maintain Purchase order with due dates of delivery
  • MRN and Issue slips
  • Various stock levels and show appropriate warning
  • Multiple counter management
  • Centralized purchase and issue to various counters
  • Four level item grouping
  • VAT enabled sale & purchase
  • Various pricing methods
  • Fast billing, Stock level controls
  • Various profit statements
  • Various type stock register
  • Pay Roll

  • Complete salary can be computed through this module. All necessary formats will be generated. There have provision to accommodate bio metric system to easy and correct daily attendance entry
  • Department & designation setup
  • Employees data with employee No.
  • Automatic salary calculation and pay slip printing
  • Calculation of PF, ESI, statutory welfare funds etc.
  • Provision salary advance & automatic deduction
  • Provision for loan and its automatic deduction
  • Statutory reports
  • Provision to create various leave type
  • Leaves entry and leave register
  • Employees attendance chart for analysis
  • Financial Accounting

  • Totally integrated Financial Accounting Module deals with Receipt, Payments, Journal, contra, debit note and credit note Vouchers.
  • Accounting reports includes day book, ledgers, general ledger, journal register, Cash book, Bank book, Trail Balance, Profit and Loss statement, Balance Sheet, schedules and detailed voucher reports.
  • There have provision such as date freeze, accounts freeze and merge accounts to enhance management controls.
  • MIS

  • Provides vital and key reports to management such as various aging analysis, month wise summaries of sales, purchase, income and expenses, profit statements of medical and non medical items, receivables statement, stock valuations, doctor wise statement, monthly yearly OP analysis, patient history, various ration analysis etc.
  • EMR

  • Provision for doctors access
  • provision to scan barcode to ease patient selection
  • Patient history and medical records available during consultation.
  • Easy selection of medicine and test
  • Test reports will be available immediately
  • Prescribed medical list will be